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The war continues, the battle of chemo is done!

Writer's picture: Susan BedkerSusan Bedker

I know, I know, its been a very long time since I have posted anything and I am very sorry. I have been busy and not feeling well off and on and just haven't done it 10 lashes with a wet noodle. Anyway here we are so Ill try and pick up where we left off.

For those of you that follow me on Facebook you are aware that I put my house on the market. I have got some mixed feedback and I know its not the best time, but for me it was the right time. I have been planning to move for some time out of state, but the cards had a different plan. I would like to be someplace with people that are in a frame of mind closer to my own. I'm more into The Price is Right stage then Soul Train (or those that recall those). I live in an area where families are growing up and doing what families do. The biggest reason I kept the house as long as I did is to have a yard for Benson. So I decided to sell. I do have a contract on the house and I have a rental lined up for when I move out. There are some pieces that still have to fall into place, but so far so good. So please keep your fingers crossed for me on that one.

As you may have guessed packing a house that I have been in for 13 years while going through chemo is not a task that is easily done by yourself. I have been getting lots of help from friends and family and we are making progress and we will get this done in the timeline allotted. This is yet another thing I could not have done without a great team of warriors!

Marylin: This is the number one question I have heard about my move. If you followed that story at all you know I have a LOT of time, money, blood, sweat, and tears into that project. The dream that was that project has changed dramatically and I seriously considered selling Marylin at a loss. Part of me thinks I don't have the time and I certainly don't have the strength to deal with her right now. The other part of me looks at how far we have come and thinks its not that much further. Anyway my brother jumped in and offered not only to keep her at his place but to tow her out to his place. This is a HUGE undertaking and takes a ton of weight off my move worries. So a huge shout of to him and Tim for that. They are coming this weekend to tie up some loose ends that are needed to safely tow her and take her back. This will give me a place to finish her up when I get better if that's what I decide to do, and she will be safe and sound in the meantime. Thank you!!

Ok.. that's great, but I came here to see about your cancer...... Hello...

Right, my cancer. Well Ill start from my last chemo which started pretty normal. I felt pretty good that day and the next and then day 3 I was pretty sick. That was Saturday and that is normal in the cycle. I start to be sick Friday afternoon, Saturday is pretty terrible and then it starts to ease up a little Sunday and then I gradually get a little better. But some of the side effects have changed, some linger longer, and I have added a few. It seems like many of the side effects are cumulative and I have added about as many as I care to, thank you very much! One of the biggest struggles I have had is my anemia in conjunction with the chemo. My blood counts have been gradually falling and it makes it very hard to even get up to go to the restroom at times. I'm very short of breath, have heart palpitations and get very dizzy (yes even dizzier then normal). On top of this usually I cant eat from usually Friday afternoon to sometime late Sunday or Monday. Have no fear, because GOD forbid I lose any weight, so THATS not an issue!!! Anyway between the anemia and being dehydrated from the chemo I wasnt really able to function after my last treatment. Sunday morning I got up and essentially couldn't even stand up. I went to a friends house to try and carry through on some plans and she talked me into going to the hospital. So I called the on call oncologist and she did tell me to come in and that they would be waiting for me. So off to Mayo we went. After some tests that all came back negative they admitted me for "one night" to get some fluids in me and monitor me. When I finally got up to my room they took my blood pressure laying down, sitting, and then standing and found that my blood pressure dropped more then 30 points (it was like 90/45 or something close) when I stood up. So between having NO blood in my noggin and having NO oxygen in my blood it pretty much explained everything. I was actually relieved because I had an explanation and it was one we could fix!! So because I had Covid in June all the nurses had to garb up like I had koodies and I got a private room until I was cleared. However every time I have to pee I have to have some poor nurse put on a space suit to come help me because they don't want me to fall. Well as they are giving me fluids I had to pee a LOT. Anyway Dr comes in the next day, decides to keep me another night cause they still aren't happy with some damn thing or another. Long(er) story shortened I was there 4 days and 3 nights. The time it takes to take a short cruise with fancy drinks and beautiful views! Anyway lots of fluids and they finally decided to give me a blood infusion. So that was the reason for the last night. By the time they gave in to the fact I needed blood, got me tested, got the blood and did the infusion it would have been between 9-10 before I got out. So they "promised" first thing in the morning. Yeah right!!

Even made it out to dinner with my brother that came to visit. Oh and went for swim too ;-)

Ok... I'm home, everything is peachy! Oh what are my numbers. For those of you that are keeping up My CA 125 is sticking at 17 so far. That is both of my last two treatments. Its not where I would like it, but I can live with it. My HE4 S went from 63 to 71 on my last test and 71 to 64 this time. This is a bit irritating but Dr says not to worry so much about it. Of course its not Dr's numbers.. so its a bit easier for her not to worry about it! But I trust her and I have to do my best not to spend all my time worrying. I have shit to pack and things to do after all!

So yesterday was my final chemo treatment. This is a huge step and milestone in the treatment plan and for me. Traditionally after the last chemo (and after the last radiation) there is a bell mounted on the wall as you leave the treatment area with some inspirational saying on it and the patient rings the bell (3 times in most cases and places) to signify moving on to the next step and having completed this step. For some reason which has not been sufficiently explained to me, Mayo is one of the best and richest hospitals in the country and they have no bell. Instead they have a "party" on your last day. Now, Im here to tell you I have been to a number of parties in my time. Some where head bangers some had prayer drums the moon and even a cello. But by no definition that I am aware of was that a party! Not to say it wasnt very nice, it was. But a party it was not. Really that isnt even the point! All over the world they ring the damn bell. I want to ring the bell. So being a bit of a rebel I discussed my kunundrum with my friends and one of them bought me my very own bell. Now this was a very loud cow bell and I couldn't help but to wonder if there was meant to be some correlation to me and my personality. But none the less it was perfect for this occasion. So after the basher that the nursing staff threw me, what do you think I did. I rang that damn bell. Yep right in the treatment area with everyone sleepin and treatin. I didn't hold back either! I woke everybody up! When we walked out all the nurses had their heads turned. I was like see ya, luv ya, not going to miss you. Now in all fairness I did forewarn my own nurse that I was going to rind the bell with or without her permission and she told me to go for it! It was great. Well now that I get to take the bell with me, guess what. I rang the bitch when we got outside too. Everyone stopped what they were doing and clapped and hollered, it was great. I was later told that you could see people stopped and clapping inside the building too. Big hugs, the valet opening my doors.. wow. Ok.... thats done! Nope! There was one more place to ring the bell. Many of my supporters are at my local pub so I met a few of them there and I rang that thing so the hole block could hear.

Now with all that said I am told the Mayo does have a bell for radiation. Ill still be taking my own, I've decided its more fun!

Next I go in to get ready for my radiation. Im anticipating it will start "around" Sept 22 and go to the end of October, maybe very early November. Monday through Friday for five and a half weeks.

Until next time...

I huge shout out to everyone that has continued to support me not only by physically helping me, but emotionally and mentally as well. From hugs to hauls thank you all!!!



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