Good day everyone!
I know its has been some time since I have updated my blog and I have had a few inquires so I will do a very short update.
After my last chemo the recovery was much the same as the first, although as expected the symptoms seemed to linger a bit longer. There is nothing nice I have to say about chemo and its really frustrating that I am always short of breath and fatigued. I don't have any of the strength that I did before. I seem to have a hard time opening a jar these day, let alone restoring an Airstream. Speaking of Airstream I'm afraid to walk even CLOSE to Marylin as she is LIVID. I swear she chucked a aluminum scrap at me and cussed me out the other day while I was out washing the patio. I have seriously considered putting her up for sale as opposed to letting her sit there, but I just cant do that right now.
Anywho, I was all set to go to my third chemo with a friend to take me, new *chemo shirt, and a even a new smaller chemo bag in hand. Chemo was to be on Thursday as it always is and I started to have a sore throat on Monday evening. Throughout the night the sore throat continued to get worse and I was starting to get a little nervous as they cant do chemo if your sick. With having no immune system a simple cold could easily turn into something much more serious. So when I woke up Tuesday morning I decided I had better do a home Covid test. So I stuck the tip up the nose to the eyeball and then swirled it in the magic potion. Negative!! Yea!! I figured I had better tell the Dr that I had a slight sore throat just in case. She said as long as it was mild and I tested negative we could move forward. Yea! Cause I LOVE chemo so much.
Well a few hours later I developed a slight cough and had body aches. But honestly I cant really say I have NOT had body aches since I started chemo. But just in case I went to my trusty Walgreens for a "professional" test. Low and behold it came back positive. So as you may have guessed by now this round of chemo had to be canceled and added to the end. This does not make me happy what so EVER. Now the cancer has an extra three weeks to lollygag around, concoct and evil game plan, and generally piss me off.
So now I feel like crap from Covid, but not terrible. I still have a slight sore throat and a little cough, but besides that its normal chemo after effects. Ill be careful until I am certain I am over it, but I'm sure Ill be ok for the next chemo to knock me on my ass.
I know this update doesnt have the meat and all the details everyone desires, but I will update more after my next chemo. For now just wanted to let everyone know I am ok and we are moving forward.
As always thank you to everyone for all the love and support, I love you all!
*Chemo shirt
A shirt that has a diagonal zipper on either side of the front running from your collar bone toward the middle of your chest. This way they have easy access to your port to inject poison into your body.
Note: For those that may think the test may have been a false positive. I thought the same thing and tested again. It was a positive positive (all the English teachers are probably having a panic attack for that phrase). Also the symptoms did develop to match Covid.