Spring break started by removing the rest of the skins and both the end caps. I noticed a weld on the door was bad and have to figure out what to do about that before I lift the shell. I ordered new C channel as the way things were going I was pretty sure I would need it. After removing the skins and getting a better look the C channel looks pretty good at this point.

Once the skins were out I pulled all of the old electric and did a quick wash of the walls to get rid of the excess insulation (the walls hadn't been washed yet in pics).

I started to remove the old flooring to get a look at the holding tanks and frame condition. The floor is bolted with mostly stripped anchor bolts (go figure), so I have to grind them off or break the wood around them to get them out. I'm not doing either end cap yet in hopes that I can figure a way to get them off in one piece as a template when I lift the shell.

As you can see the tanks are super thin (4.72 on one end to 5.00 on the other) so I'm going to do my best to keep at least two of them. I have found some that fit 70-76 and mine is a 77 so Ill see what I can do. I also removed the screen door and broken door latch. Today I'm going to work on getting the belly pan removal started and finish removing the broken stairs before someone breaks a leg.